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bpm fitness nutrition


Many researches have shown that how you eat profoundly affects your health, mood and energy levels. In fact 80% of how you look, feel and function is based on the foods and drinks you consume.


The bottom line is..

You cannot out exercise a bad diet.

Nutritional Advice and Meal Planning

I can teach you how simple dietary and lifestyle changes can help you achieve radiant good health.

With a college qualification of 'Advanced Level 3 Nutrition', plus many years of successfully advising clients and meal planning for clients, my nutritional help is for anyone who wants to support their health through how they eat.


Whether you want help demystifying all the conflicting dietary advice or looking more specifically to:


  • Have a meal plan to work along side your fitness program

  • Achieve healthy weight loss/gain

  • Optimise your digestive function

  • Maximise your energy levels

  • Support your immune system function

  • Achieve healthy hormone balance

  • Or any other reason


You are an individual, and I will personalise your plan to your exact needs.


Not only is healthy eating crucial for managing obesity and weight gain, but also the consumption of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains helps prevent chronic diseases such as cancer, stroke, and heart disease. 

Healthy eating even helps improve productivity as well as thousands of other benefits.


You are what you eat! So what are you waiting for.


To book a phone call or 1:1 meeting with me for nutritional advice, routine setting or meal planning then click the contact button below for a contact form and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

"So today I had a chat with a nutritionist as I needed a bit more of an insight to what I am putting into my body and what to eat for my goals.

Even though I do a lot of research on what I eat and how I workout, she really helped me understand the science behind food and also gave me personal advice.

So whether you are well into your fitness journey and feel like you know what you are doing - but not seeing results. Or you are a newbie and have no idea where to start, I would highly recommend you see her.

Her name is Sarah and she is an expert on all things fitness and health and honestly just a really nice person to reach out to when you need advice."

 - Catherine W (Instagram)

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